What does saint “Ognjena Marija” has to do with trains ?
Today is the day that the saint “Ognjena Marija” is celebrated, in Serbia they call the day that a saint is celebrated a “slava” and every Orthodox family has his own saint. Not only families have a slava, also institutions , organisations, municipalities, schools, hospitals and professions. It is a beautiful Serbian tradition, which is even inscribed as UNESCO heritage. And of course you guess it, “Ognjena Marija” is the slava for the train drivers and I am invited today to celebrate it with them. How come I am invited? Well the story starts with the new Vectron locomotives…. Since June this year Serbia Cargo has 8 new Vectron locomotives in service from Siemens. I needed photos from this machine for Nieuwsblad Transport, the newspaper I am writing freelance for…